Wei Weng wrote:
> I have a database table that has about 90k entries, they are all
> straightfoward text, and there is only one ID field that I use as
> primary key for this table.
> I have two threads working on this table. One of them inserting new
> content constantly, (about every second) another one idles and only
> wakes up when I want to query(select) the table.
> My problem is that from the log it seems to me that since the insertion
> is done far frequently than query, the query thread never finishes its
> job. It just hangs there for a long time until I kill it by restarting
> postgresql. (Even statements like EXPLAIN ANALYZE will hang)
Define "threads". If you mean a threaded client application, are you
sure your libpq was compiled with threading enabled?
Define "hangs" please. What do the logs show?
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd