Either it's not reading the notifies or it's not telling the server that
it's read them and flushing out the pipe.
This app uses Perl/DBD::Pg, and the code is basically:
while ($dbh->func('pg_notifies')) {
# do stuff
The corresponding C code in DBD::Pg appears to be:
/* ================================================================== */
SV * dbd_db_pg_notifies (dbh, imp_dbh)
SV *dbh;
imp_dbh_t *imp_dbh;
PGnotify *notify;
AV *ret;
SV *retsv;
int status;
if (dbis->debug >= 3) { (void)PerlIO_printf(DBILOGFP, "dbdpg:
dbd_db_pg_notifies\n"); }
status = PQconsumeInput(imp_dbh->conn);
if (0 == status) {
status = PQstatus(imp_dbh->conn);
pg_error(dbh, status, PQerrorMessage(imp_dbh->conn));
return &sv_undef;
notify = PQnotifies(imp_dbh->conn);
if (!notify)
return &sv_undef;
av_push(ret, newSVpv(notify->relname,0) );
av_push(ret, newSViv(notify->be_pid) );
#if PGLIBVERSION >= 70400
retsv = newRV(sv_2mortal((SV*)ret));
return retsv;
} /* end of dbd_db_pg_notifies */
On 8/2/07, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> "Peter Koczan" <pjkoczan@gmail.com> writes:
> > A quick perusal of the other "notify interrupt" connections shows 13032
> in
> > the Send-Q column. They all got into this state at the same time.
> That's far too much data to be a notify message, or even a small number
> of notify messages. Is it possible that the client's failed to collect
> hundreds of notify events?
> But in any case this clearly lets the backend off the hook. The problem
> is on the client side: it's not reading the data.
> regards, tom lane