Configuration example for a repmgr "witness host" - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Hall, Michael H. (GSFC-423.0)[RAYTHEON COMPANY]"
Subject Configuration example for a repmgr "witness host"
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-novice

I am trying to do my first install of repmgr for PostgreSQL 14.


I have a working “master / slave” relationship.


My hope was to configure a “witness host” that is not part of the “cluster”.


The example that I’m working from is here.


At step 10, the master and slave have already been configured.

There seems to be nothing in the document to indicate what needs to be in the “witness host” configuration file to monitor the master / slave nodes.


Any help is much appreciated.


Michael H. “Mike” Hall, Sr.   NASA-GSFC

Working Remotely from Baltimore, Maryland



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