Am 13.11.24 um 15:58 schrieb celati Laurent:
> I have a table 'metadata' with 2000 records. With one column 'id' and one column 'data' with XML content.
> I need to extract for all records the values regarding the Organisation names.
> I success in querying without error message thanks to this following sql query :
> SELECT id, xpath('/contact/CI_ResponsibleParty/organisationName/CharacterString/text()',
> CAST(data AS XML)) AS organisation_name
> FROM public.metadata;
I typically find xmltable() a lot easier to work with, especially if the XML contains namespaces.
I guess the namespaces are the problem in your case, you will have to pass them to the xpath()
function and reference them in the path expression as well
So you will need something like:
cast(data as xml),
ARRAY[ARRAY['cit', 'http://...'], array['gco', 'http://...']])
The actual value for the namespace URIs depends on the definition in your XML
Note that xpath() returns an array, so you probably want (xpath(....))[1]