>> Other options include lucene, and rolling our own.
> Is Lucene capable of handling the size of our index? This has always
I am going to say, "yes" without any actual knowledge because of Lucene
but that is because I am putting more trust in the fact that it is an
Apache project then anything. I will check.
> been the problem we've had with other projects like MnogoSearch. They
> work well until you load them up with the archives after which they
> simply can't cope without ridiculous amounts of hardware.
>> Rolling our own really wouldn't be that hard "if" we can create a
>> reasonably smart web page grabber. We have all the tools
>> (tsearch2 and
>> pg_pgtrm) to easily do the searches.
>> So is anyone up for helping develop a page grabber?
> We have one - it builds the static version of the main site by spidering
> it hourly.
Should we look at that then?
> Regards, Dave.
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