ron wrote:
> My PostgreSQL server is version 8.0 and I'm using
> postgresql-8.2dev-503.jdbc3.jar for my JDBC type 3 driver. I am
> wondering how come I always get a TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY type of resultset
> out of my callablestatement as shown below despite having given the
> necessary parameters to my prepareCall method in order to obtain a
> scrollable resultset. A SQLException errors occurs once I attempt to
> move the resultset pointer with qRs.last() owing to the resulting
> TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY resultset. How do I correct this?
> con.setAutoCommit(false);
> String sSQLCall = "{? = call
> \"DEMO\".fn_ins_update_employee_rec(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}";
> cs =
> con.prepareCall(sSQLCall,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
> cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER);
> cs.execute();
> this.qRs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1);
> qRs.last();
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It wouldn't be hard to allow scrolling, we just need to get that
scrolling flag to the ResultSet. Allowing updates is not going to
happen without some significant work. The backend would need to support
updatable cursors because the driver has no idea what the cursor is
actually accessing so it cannot issue updates as it does for regular
I'm travelling at the moment, but will be back home next week and will
hopefully look at this and all the other pending JDBC patches/issues.
Kris Jurka