Can anyone help me with the following?
I am setting up a series of permissions of my own making in pgSQL 8.1.4.
I have the following tables;
resource -- a list of available resources
actions -- the actions available to the user
policies -- the actions that are allowed to be performed on individual
permissions -- matches users with granted actions on any resource
users -- no surprises here
I have read the docs about joins but cannot get my head around the
correct syntax. The following SQL returns all actions for every resource
SELECT permission.serial_id, resource.name, actions.name, actions.classification, actions.display_group,
FROM permission, policies, resource, actions
WHERE permission.user_id = '11' AND permission.related_id = policies.serial_id AND policies.status = 'Active' AND
permission.status= 'Active'AND actions.status = 'Active'AND resource.status = 'Active'
I need a list of permissions back for each resource that a user is
authorised to access (when they login to their GUI).
I also need to check (at user login) if every record in the chain (e.g.
resource, action, policy and permission) is "Active" before the
permission record is considered valid.
The list for a resource called 'Scenarios' would look something like:
I am guessing it should be an inner join? but by reference book does not
show joins on this many tables.
Thanks in advance for any help.
John T