Chris Browne wrote:
> (Christopher Kings-Lynne) writes:
>>>The major downside is that somewhere between 9000 and 10000
>>>VALUES-targetlists produces "ERROR: stack depth limit
>>>exceeded". Perhaps for the typical use-case this is sufficient
>>>I'm open to better ideas, comments, objections...
>>If the use case is people running MySQL dumps, then there will be
>>millions of values-targetlists in MySQL dumps.
>Curiosity: How do *does* TheirSQL parse that, and not have the One
>Gigantic Query blow up their query parser?
Experimentation shows that mysqldump breaks up the insert into chunks.
Example with 10m rows:
[ad@wired-219 ~]# perl -e 'print "drop table if exists foo; create table
foo (x int);\n"; foreach my $i (0..9_9999) { print "insert into foo
values \n"; foreach my $j (0..99) { print "," if $j; print
"(",100*$i+$j+1,")"; } print ";\n"; } ' > gggggg
[ad@wired-219 ~]# mysql test < gggggg
[ad@wired-219 ~]# mysqldump test foo > aaaaaa
[ad@wired-219 ~]# mysql test < aaaaaa
[ad@wired-219 ~]# grep INSERT aaaaaa | wc -l