I tried my nightly build of trunk on OSX now, and noticed the following
bugs and problems
.) When I remove the "Object Browser" pane by clickng the little "x",
I found now way to get that pane to display again. The corresponding
entry in the view-menu is still checked, and even unchecking and
checking it doesn't bring the pane back. The only way to restore is
was to close pgadmin3, manually edit the preferences file, and reopen
pgadmin3 :-(
.) The toolbar looks ugly now, because the "used" and "unused" parts
of the toolbar ("used" meaning "actually containing icons", while
"unused" means "the space spanning from the rightmost icon to the
right edge of the window) have different backgrounds.
.) The "connection-chooser-dropdown" doesn't fit into the toobar
anymore (See screenshots)
.) The detach-able toolbar show the same problems as the panes
in the main window - if you remove then the menu entry stays
checked. Unchecking and checking, however, at least makes them
.) Disabling an reenabling panes is broken for most cases. An example:
1) Disable results pane
2) Disable messages pane
3) Reenable both
4) Now the are displayed on top of each other, which no way to
restore the default split-screen configuration.
.) The same is true for
.) The default split-screen configuration of the sql-window feels
like waste of precious screen real estate. On my 1024x786
laptop screen even the titlebars of the panes feel like
waste of space.
All in all, at least on OSX and with a rather small screen, using
the new version is a lot more painfull than using the old one.
Is there a chance that there could be at least a compile-time switch
to disable the new ui?
You can find a few screenshots at
greetings, Florian Pflug