Szűcs Gábor <> writes:
> ABSTRACT: The following query fails.
> (SELECT a,b FROM cdqp WHERE a=1 AND b=2) AS aa
> (SELECT a,b FROM cdqp WHERE a=1 and b=2) AS bb
> WHERE a+b = 3;
Thanks for the report! Seems I overlooked a case when fixing the
original report last year. Patch for 8.0 attached (it's the same in
7.4 too).
regards, tom lane
Index: joinpath.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/joinpath.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.91.4.1 joinpath.c
*** joinpath.c 23 Jan 2005 02:22:27 -0000
--- joinpath.c 24 May 2005 17:54:15 -0000
*** 498,512 **** * nestloop path, but since mergejoin is our only join type that * supports FULL
JOIN,it's necessary to generate a clauseless * mergejoin path instead.
- *
- * Unfortunately this can't easily be extended to handle the case
- * where there are joinclauses but none of them use mergejoinable
- * operators; nodeMergejoin.c can only do a full join correctly if
- * all the joinclauses are mergeclauses. */ if (mergeclauses == NIL) {
! if (jointype == JOIN_FULL && restrictlist == NIL) /* okay to try for mergejoin */ ;
else continue;
--- 498,507 ---- * nestloop path, but since mergejoin is our only join type that * supports FULL
JOIN,it's necessary to generate a clauseless * mergejoin path instead. */ if (mergeclauses ==
NIL) {
! if (jointype == JOIN_FULL) /* okay to try for mergejoin */ ; else