Orion wrote:
> I'm trying to craft a query that will determine what column(s) belong
> to the primary key for a given table. This seems like the kind of
> thing that would very common for people to try to do but my query was
> rather ugly and not flexible since it does not work for an arbitrary
> number of columns in the primary key. This is all due to the use of
> the int2vect type on indkey which is undocumented and does not seem to
> work with normal array tools such as ANY and cant be cast to int2[].
> Please tell me there's an easier/better way to do this.
> SELECT attname
> FROM pg_index
> JOIN pg_class ON (indrelid = pg_class.oid)
> JOIN pg_attribute ON (attrelid = pg_class.oid)
> WHERE indisprimary IS TRUE
> AND (attnum = indkey[0] OR attnum = indkey[1] OR attnum = indkey[2])
> AND relname = '$table';
> Orion
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
select * from key_column_usage;
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