Hi, Magnus,
Magnus Hagander wrote:
>>To support mysql, they break performance for _every other_
>>database system?
> Actually, it probably helps on SQLite as well.
AFAICS from the FAQ http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q7 and #q8, SQLite
does serialize itsself.
> And considering they only
> support postgresql, mysql and sqlite, there is some merit to it from
> their perspective.
Okay, I understand, but I hesitate to endorse it.
IMHO, they should write their application in a "normal" way, and then
have the serialization etc. encapsulated in the database driver
interface (possibly a wrapper class or so).
>>Now, I understand how the mysql people manage to spread the
>>legend of mysql being fast. They convince software developers
>>to thwart all others.
> Yes, same as the fact that most (at least FOSS) web project-du-jour are
> "dumbed down" to the mysql featureset. (And not just mysql, but
> mysql-lowest-common-factors, which means myisam etc)
Well, most of those projects don't need a database, they need a bunch of
tables and a lock.
Heck, they even use client-side SELECT-loops in PHP instead of a JOIN
because "I always confuse left and right".
Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf. | Software Development GIS
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