Re: Postgresql server does not start!:( -Re: PostgreSQl newbie! - Mailing list pgsql-admin

Things to check when PostgreSQL doesn't seem to start:

1)  Are there any postmaster programs running (ps -A | grep postmaster
is useful here)
2)  If not, is there a file n the postgresql data
directory? (do a search for the file if you have to-- if no postmaster
processes are running delete the file and try again)
3)  What are the final entries in the serverlog in the data directory?

In your case, if PostgreSQL is hanging, I would suspect that the problem
is likely to be with something else.  Hopefully there would be info in
the serverlog that would help.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting

lmyho wrote:

>>Perhaps I wasn't clear.
>>With identd authentication a username is still specified.  But you have
>>to own the process to login with that username.  So generally speaking
>>(absent sudo and the like) you can generally login only with the same
>>username as your OS username.
>>The documentation of PostgreSQL goes into a bit of depth on
>>authentication, but if you want a little bit to get started, you might
>>find the following article helpful:
>Hi Chris,
>Hope you are on line and can see this mail soon. Just turned on the Debian system computer today but got trouble at
systembooting time when it's trying to start the PostgreSQL server!! 
>What I did yesterday was: changed the system created password of user postgres, by "alter user postgres password
'blabal...'", and changed the ident method to md5, in order to login as postgres through pgAdmin3 into the database.
Everythingseemed fine yesterday while I was in the system.  I loged out after 1am this very morning, and just to login
againtoday right now.   
>However, the system doesn't work anymore.:(( When the Debian systen booting, it stoped at "Starting PostgreSQL 8.1
databaseserver: main", and hung there forever...  
>I tried to start againfrom the Recovery mode, was able to login as root, but don't know what to do at the command line
mode.:(( When I exit from the recovery mode, the system tried to switch to the login point and seemed to use the
standardprocess to approach the login point, so it went to the point of starting the Postgresql server again and hung
thereagain with the same info: "Starting PostgreSQL 8.1 database server: main", and goes nowhere:((( 
>What is the problem??  Is there angthing has gone wrong with my change of the password of user postgres yesterday?  Is
thereanyway to make the system booting go through??  By the way it has been impossible to reverse the password of user
postgresbecause the original password was generated by the system during installation, and I don't even have a clue
aboutwhat it is:(( 
>Any help idea would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you for help very much!!!
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pgsql-admin by date:

From: lmyho
Subject: Postgresql server does not start!:( -Re: PostgreSQl newbie! -PLease help, pgAdmin3 on Debian!
From: "German Raul Hoyos Parravicino"
Subject: Client Connection - PGAdmin