Dave Page wrote:
> Does anyone have an Intel Mac that they would be willing do try building
> pgAdmin on? There's certainly one script that will fail, but I'm kinda
> hoping that will be all :-). It would be good to know for sure, and be
> able to fix the script (lines 20/26 of
> http://svn.pgadmin.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/pgadmin3/pkg/mac/comple
> te-bundle.sh?rev=5055&view=markup presumably need 'ppc' changed to
> 'i386' or 'intel' or something).
If someone has an intel mac, but doesn't have the time to try a pgadmin
compilation, I'd be enough report what the command
"file /Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/Preview"
mfg, Florian Pflug