Oliver Jowett wrote:
> Nathan McEachen wrote:
>> connection1 performes query: "SELECT * FROM my_table";
>> connection 2 performs DDL: "ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN my_col
>> connection 2 seems to hang unless connection1 is closed (i.e.
>> conneciton1.close() ).
> Most likely, connection 1 has autocommit off and you have forgotten to
> commit or rollback the transaction that your SELECT opened.
Thanks, I *thought* I had checked that, being the thorough and diligent
person that I am. :) However, I am using AspectJ on this project. I
just figured out that I had a faulty pointcut definition. So this was
not a JDBC issue, rather a "Nathan better pay closer attention to how he
defines his pointcut advice" issue. Basically some aspect advice was
preventing the connection from committing, hence connection 2 was hanging.
Sorry for the faulty post.
For all of you AOP people:
public abstract pointcut dumbNathanPosts();
Object around() : dumbNathanPosts()
// just ignore what Nathan says. Do not call proceed();
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
--Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut