I've posted this mail to the postgresql general mailing list.
For those of you who don't read it:
I'm new to postgresql and during testing for a script I've found some
curious things.
If I do the following things a bad dump will be created that can't be
restored (using pgadmin3, pg_dump and pg_restore or psql).
There's also a issue that pgadmin crash.
In pgadmin3 do
1) Create a new db ('test_dump')
2) Create a new schema ('test_dump')
3) From schema 'pg_catalog' copy the lines from
CREATE OPERATOR <(... for <(abstime,abstime), <=(abstime,abstime),
=(abstime,abstime), >(abstime,abstime), >=(abstime,abstime)
and paste it in the query window. Write the schema name 'test_dump.'
before the operator sign and execute the query.
I've done this once for each operator.
4) Then copy the lines for operator class 'abstime_ops(btree)' from
schema 'pg_catalog' and paste it in the query window.
Write the schema name 'test_dump.' before the class and remove the
'default'. Then execute the query.
If you click on the created operator class in schema 'test_dump'
you'll get a error message box or on windows pgAdmin will crash.
Daniel Whitter