>Actually it's currently hosted on GBorg, not on .tk; pqxx.tk is just an
>alias. But I'm considering moving development over to
>http://thaiopensource.org/development/ (these projects are all running on
>Trac and Subversion, which I've come to love) and then moving pqxx.tk to
>point at that. The URL would also be simple enough that I could let the
>pqxx.tk alias slip.
Well we use Trac for ALL of our development :) so if that is what you
would like
we would be happy to set it up for you. If we can help let us know, if
not no
sweat :)
Joshua D. Drake
>Still, all options are welcome. I'm not sure what the proviso means
>exactly, though: the code is obviously for the community, and apart from
>that, the level of actual community involvement seems mostly up to the
>available applications AFAICS: FTP is very one-way, anonymous CVS slightly
>less so, mailing lists can have any degree of openness to participation.
>Funny this should come up today, by the way, since today I got my first
>commercial spam in a GBorg bug ticket. :-(
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
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