Thomas Kellerer wrote:
> Oliver Jowett wrote on 24.11.2005 00:50:
>> Thomas Kellerer wrote:
>>> The problem comes when supporting multiple DBMS. With MS SQL Server a
>>> bit column can only store 0/1 (which is not what the driver returns,
>>> as it uses a java.lang.Boolean) but PG only accepts the literals
>>> true/false. That's why I stumbled over this in the first place.
>>> So I'll have to check the native type rather then the JDBC type to be
>>> sure.
>> Can't you use setBoolean()/getBoolean()? I think that's specified to
>> always work on a BIT column, whatever the real underlying type is.
> Yes of course I can and actually I do when using PreparedStatements
> But when I'm generating SQL Scripts I need to use the correct literal
> for such a column.
Well, if you're going to bypass the abstractions that JDBC gives you to
deal with this sort of case, of course you will end up with
DBMS-specific code..