I'm using 8.1beta4 on a development server for a rather db-intensive
application. This application has a multiprocess daemon which was
working fairly well in past. After some recent changes I started having
deadlock problems. While investigating to remove what was causing them I
removed some FOR UPDATE clauses (added on 8.0 to prevent other deadlock
situations), hoping that the newly added FK share locks would better
handle the concurrent access. In fact the deadlock errors went away, but
I suddenly started getting some of these:
ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 4291419108
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."gw_users" x WHERE
"u_id" = $1 FOR SHARE OF x" SQL statement "INSERT INTO gw_log_credits (log_id, u_id,
credit) SELECT currval('gw_log_log_id_seq'), u_id, SUM(credit) FROM
gw_objects_credits WHERE o_id = $1 GROUP BY u_id" PL/pgSQL function "t_gw_outgoing_a_u" line 8 at SQL
statement SQL statement "UPDATE gw_outgoing SET ok = 't', response = $1 WHERE o_id = $2 " PL/pgSQL
function"gw_queue_ok" line 30 at SQL statement
where 4291419108 is a big random number. Please let me know if you need
other details.
Best regards
Matteo Beccati