How do you get a report that lists items and then produces a sum at the
end. Like this:
name date amount1 amount2
name date amount1 amount2
name date amount1 amount2
totals sum(amount1) sum(amount2)
The sql command I am using now is
SELECT SUM(Tcode.T_amount) Fees, SUM(Tcharges.T_discount) Discount, Tcode.T_prov Provider FROM
"C:\zz\Tcode.DAT"Tcode INNER JOIN "C:\zz\Tcharges.DAT" Tcharges ON Tcode.T_acctnum =
Tcharges.T_acctnum AND Tcode.T_link = Tcharges.T_link WHERE (((Tcode.T_posted BETWEEN "01/01/2004" AND
"01/31/2004") AND (Tcode.T_tcode < 30000)))
GROUP BY Provider
And that shows a list of amounts, for each provider, but I want to be
able to show all the line items that added up to those totals. (I didnt
include the group by provider issue in my question because that is nice
but not necessary- I can always just do one provider at a time with a
clause like "WHERE provider = 1")