Phil> Insert from a record variable?
Riccardo> Try insert into table select r.*;
Tom> in 7.5
Tom> insert into table select r.*;
Tom> insert into table values(r.*);
Tom> so long as r is declared to be of a named rowtype (not just
Thanks! Unfortunately I need record, rather than %rowtype. See my later email where I describe how I am trying to use
thiswith inheritance; the function looks up a row in a base table, finds the derived table in which it really exists
usingpg_class.relname, and then inserts a modified copy of the row in the derived table.
I'm not concerned about the performance issues to do with pre-planning the queries. I think what I really need is an
introspectionmechanism so that I can loop over each element of the record and construct the insert as a string. Maybe
thisis possible using a different server-side language? I've just had an idea: perhaps rather than inspecting the
recordvariable to see what fields it contains, I can look at the table to see what columns it contains (since this
amountsto the same thing). Presumably I can do this using information_schema.columns. I'll have a go.