Alfredo Rico wrote:
> Hi friends, greetings :-)
> I'm using PostgreSQL v7.4.7 with JDBC driver version 8.0 Build 312 in a Java
> Web Deveploment.
> I have a table named 'attachedfiles' in which there is a column used to
> store binary data (bytea type) (pdf's files, doc, png, jpg, what ever...).
> I have stored, without troubles, binary data reaching 30 MB.
> To retrieve the binary data I'm using the following Java code:
> PreparedStatement ps = this.con.prepareStatement("SELECT contentfile from
> attachedfiles where filename = ? ", ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
> ps.setString(1,"UsingJDBC.pdf");
> bytes filebinary[] = null;
> ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
> if (rs != null)
> {
> while ( //Only one row
> {
> filebinary = rs.getBytes(1); //Obtain the file...
> }
> rs.close();
> }
> ps.close();
> Problem:
> If the binary data that I want to retrieve, is up to 12 MB, I obtain a
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space.
Hi Alfredo,
I am not an expert and am relatively new to this list but perhaps a
different approach rather than using getBytes which loads the whole 12M
into memory would work. Have you tried something like this?
int bytes_read = 0;
byte[] buf = new byte[ 8192 ];
ServletOutputStream outs = servletRequest.getOutputStream();
InputStream ins = rs.getBinaryStream( 1 );
while( ( bytes_read = buf ) ) != -1 )
outs.write( buf, 0, bytes_read );
This may be less memory intensive than pulling the whole binary field
into memory at once.