i've got a problem with RFX_Binary. The maxLength is set to 10000000, in
the RFX_Binary-Cmd and in the ODBC-Options for MaxLongVarchar.
If i try to recieve data, they are truncated - if i try to AddNew() and
Update(), an assertion fails... corresponding TRACE is:
TRACE(traceDatabase, 0, "Error: field address (column %u) has
changed!\n", nField);
(dbrfx.cpp, void AFXAPI AfxLoadField(CRecordset& rs, UINT nField, void*
pvField, LONG_PTR* plLength)
The type of the RFX-Variable is CByteArray (visual studio chose this, so
i think it should be correct..).
I also tried to use a bugfixed version of RFX_Binary (google for
RFXBINFX.EXE), but this didn't work either.
However, i'd like to stick to Postgresql...
If somebody needs the postgresql log... its available at
It'd be GREAT if you solve this....
Thanks for help,
Matthias Weinert