Kevin Grittner wrote:
> I'm afraid I'm not familiar with a good way to capture the stream of communications with the database server. If you
couldpoint me in the right direction, I'll give it my best shot.
tcpdump will do the trick (something like 'tcpdump -n -w
some.output.file -s 1514 -i any tcp port 5432')
Or you can pass '&loglevel=2' as part of the JDBC connection URL to have
the JDBC driver generate a log of all the messages it sends/receives (in
less detail than a full network-level capture would give you, though)
> I did just have a thought, though -- is there any chance that the JDBC Connection.commit is returning once the
commandis written to the TCP buffer, and I'm getting hurt by some network latency issues
No, the JDBC driver waits for ReadyForQuery from the backend before