Zlatko Matić schrieb:
> several columns! You must use non-floating NUMERICAL field (long) as
> primary
> key. The best is to use autoincrement (BIGSERIAL) field as primary key.
> So, add bigserial fields to all your tables, make them primary keys
> and it
> will solve your problems with "#Deleted".
BIGserials are 8 byte integers.
Access can handle only 4 byte integer fields. The ODBC driver maps the
bigints down to 4 bytes as default setting.
If Access can't actually use the additional 4 bytes why bloat the tables
and add maintenance work to the driver?
It's all fine if your bigserials stay small enough.
Access "Long Integer" are signed and therefore range from
-2.147.483.648 to 2.147.483.647.
That matches "integer" in PG.