Csaba Nagy wrote:
> OK, that might very well be a reason... is there a way to see what were
> the error messages ? Are they accumulating at server side or on the JDBC
> side ? If it's the JDBC side, is it reasonable maybe to just discard
> error messages if they are too many, or truncate if it's too big, in
> order to avoid this exception (which is not very helpful in itself...) ?
I think Dave actually means "too many warnings" (or NOTICEs?) which can
indeed fill Java heap as they're accumulated as SQLWarnings attached to
the relevant Statement. In that case, though, you'd see an
OutOfMemoryError. This exception:
>>>org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: out of memory
is just the driver reporting a server-side error, so it's the server
that's run out of memory in this case.