Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
>>Am Sonntag, 12. Juni 2005 05:24 schrieb Tatsuo Ishii:
>>>Thank you for interested in PostgreSQL CE. There is a sample
>>>examination problems page:
>>Regarding question 3,
>> Select one incorrect statement regarding the installation of PostgreSQL.
>>1 1. PostgreSQL is unable to use languages other than English unless the
>>"--enable-multibyte" option is specified at "./configure" time.
>>2 2. At least 60MB of free disk space is required for compilation.
>>3 3. GNU make is required.
>>4 4. "root" cannot execute "make check" properly.
>>5 5. "--no-locale" should be specified if English is the only language to be
>>used in PostgreSQL.
>>Apparently, the correct answer is 1, but statement 5 is equally false.
> Really? I vaguley recall that someone who came from US complained
> about the sort order of en locale. I thought English speakers prefer C
> locale.
And if you want to be really picky number 4 is wrong as well:
root# su - postgres -c "make check"
I know that is really picky but as someone who manages the number of
PostgreSQL systems that I do, I might have picked that one. Number 2 is
also confusing because am I compiling ALL of PostgreSQL? I just did a
check and it took 63 megs just to unpack it, let alone compile it.
Joshua D. Drake
> --
> Tatsuo Ishii
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