Re: Problems with pg_dump - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Dennis Gearon
Subject Re: Problems with pg_dump
Msg-id 42B794KIFA83OIFCHDOL2ON66ZPOVP.3e6ce522@cal-lab
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Problems with pg_dump  ("Ben Ramsey" <>)
Responses Re: Problems with pg_dump
List pgsql-general
Data corruption, bad memory/harddrive?

3/10/2003 10:41:37 AM, "Ben Ramsey" <> wrote:

>Reply didn't reply to the list, as I had assumed... it replied to the person
>who sent the message.  Oh well... Let's try again. :)
>> Is it possible that you have a mismatch between versions of pg_dump
>> and PostgreSQL?
>I don't think this is possible since this is the only installation of
>Postgres running on this machine.  There was no installation previous to
>this one.  Furthermore, there are 12 databases, and only one of them dumps
>correctly with pgdump.  The rest of them give me one of these two error
>Can someone just tell me what these error messages mean so I can get
>underway with debugging this?  I needed the dump of at least two of these
>databases last week for our clients.
>The error messages, again, are:
>     dumpClasses(): command failed.  Explanation from backend:
>     'pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
>     This probably means the backedn terminated abnormally
>     before or while processing the request.'.
>     getTables(): SELECT failed.  Explanation from backend:
>     'ERROR:  aclitemout: bad ai_type: 39'.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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pgsql-general by date:

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