Hi Douglas,
Thanks for your promptly answer. Here is the "step by step":
description varchar(20),
picture lo
INSERT INTO test (description) VALUES ('1');
And then, the error : INSERT INTO test (description) VALUES ('1')
What I am trying to do is insert data only on the column description,
leaving the column picture null (because for this tuple there is no image).
Rodrigo Carvalhaes
Douglas McNaught wrote:
>grupos <grupos@carvalhaes.net> writes:
>>I need to use large objects BUT I am having problemns... I instaled
>>PostgreSQL 8.0.3 windows version with lo module.
>>first, I created the table below:
>> description varchar(20),
>> picture lo
>>After trying to make one insert without value for the lo I get the
>>error below:
>>ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
>This means you're trying to insert an integer value into the
>"description" column, which is text. It has nothing to do with large
>To insert an LO into a database, you do the following:
>BEGIN a transaction
>Call lo_create() to make a new large object. The return value is the
> OID of the LO, which you will need later.
>Call lo_write() and lo_close() to put data into the LO
>Insert the OID you got from lo_create() in the referencing column
> ("picture", in your case)
>COMMIT the transaction
>It's a little annoying but that's how it works.
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