Hi Everybody,
I am having problems with logging long running SQL in the log file.
I have set log_min_duration_statement = 5000 (5secs) and it is not
logging sql statements that took over 5 secs and this is only from
queries generated by Hibernate . here is a sample query from hibernate :
select listingadd1_.addressid as col_0_0_
from listing.listing listing0_, listing.address listingadd1_
where ((select count(taxrolls2_.fkaddressid)
from listing.taxroll taxrolls2_
where listingadd1_.addressid=taxrolls2_.fkaddressid)=0 )
and(listing0_.fkbestaddressid=listingadd1_.addressid )
and(listing0_.entrydate>$1 )
order by listingadd1_.addressid asc
This above query take more than 5 secs to run and it wont get logged ,
where as all other queries which are not generated by Hibernate are
logged. Is this expected behavior ? am I missing something else ?
Please advice.