Shoaib Burq (VPAC) wrote:
> OK ... so just to clearify... (and pardon my ignorance):
> I need to increase the value of 'default_statistics_target' variable and
> then run VACUUM ANALYZE, right? If so what should I choose for the
> 'default_statistics_target'?
> BTW I only don't do any sub-selection on the View.
> I have attached the view in question and the output of:
> SELECT oid , relname, relpages, reltuples
> FROM pg_class ORDER BY relpages DESC;
> reg
> shoaib
Actually, you only need to alter the statistics for that particular
column, not for all columns in the db.
What you want to do is:
ALTER TABLE "ClimateChangeModel40"
ALTER COLUMN <whatever the column is>
VACUUM ANALYZE "ClimateChangeModel40";
The column is just the column that you have the "IX_ClimateId" index on,
I don't know which one that is.
The statistics value ranges from 1 - 1000, the default being 10, and for
indexed columns you are likely to want somewhere between 100-200.
If you set it to 100 and the planner is still mis-estimating the number
of rows, try 200, etc.
The reason to keep the number low is because with a high number the
planner has to spend more time planning. But especially for queries like
this one, you'd rather the query planner spent a little bit more time
planning, and got the right plan.