Ingolf Knopf wrote:
> "java.sql.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate()" throws "java.sql.SQLException",
> if the prepared sql-string contains '?' within a C-like comment.
> Example:
> select relname
> from pg_class
> where /*relowner = ? and*/
> relname = ?
> In this case, the java.sql.PreparedStatement of PostgreSQL requires two
> parameters, but I have only one.
The JDBC driver doesn't currently parse the statement in much detail. It
really only understands string literals, semicolon-separated statements,
and some JDBC-specified {...} escapes.
A workaround would be to "quote" the comment:
select relname from pg_class where /*" relowner = ? and "*/ relname = ?
which should work (although I have not tested it)
There's no real reason why the driver can't be modified to understand
C-style comments, someone just needs to find the time to do it..
(patches to pgsql-jdbc please ;-)