That works too! Great idea.
I'm so used to doing it the other way as most times I need the primary
key too in my java class for identity purposes.
Roland Walter wrote:
> Nico schrieb:
>> Table data:
>> Table 1:
>> Field1 (integer) default:
>> nextval('public."tblTable1_FieldID_seq"'::text)
>> other field...
>> Table 2:
>> Field1 (integer) default: nextval('public."tblTable2_FieldID_seq"':text)
>> Field2 (integer) foreign key that references to Field1 in Table 1...
>> So when I do this:
>> INSERT INTO "tblTable1"(other fields...) VALUES(...);
>> how do I know what to put in here?
>> INSERT INTO "tblTable2"("Field2", other fields...) VALUES(???, ...);
> How about INSERT INTO "tblTable2 ("Field2", ...) VALUES
> (currval('public."TbleTable1_FieldID_seq"'), ...);
> But you have to do this in the same connection to the database, that
> did insert into table 1.
Dave Cramer
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