On another note, is there plans to improve the type checking of stored
functions during the save/compile?
Currently I can pretty much make tons of mistakes (on purpose of course
:-) and they are not flagged as errors until runtime.
The biggest complaint I see from other DBAs (MS SQL, Oracle) is that
Postgres does little to no pre-runtime type checking.
Tony Caduto
Bruce Momjian wrote:
>Tony Caduto wrote:
>>Does anyone know if there is a way to get the backends IP address from
>>the PID?
>>I am using the view pg_stat_activity and it would be nice if it would
>>also display the IP address along with the PID.
>>I can see the IP address when I do a ps -ef but it would be nice to be
>>able to get it via a sql command.
>Added to TODO:
> * Add IP address to pg_stat_activity