guly wrote:
> I have installed postgresql in /usr/local filesystem on RH Linux. But Running for two months,the datas are
growingtoo fast.There is no enough space at /usr/local filesystem. I want to make this filesystem bigger or move the
databaseto another
> filesystem and don't stop the database.Someone can tell me how to do that?Thanks.
I don't know about all the aspects regarding Postgresql, but you could
create another partition, either from current free space, or by adding
another drive and migrate /usr/local to it.
Create the new space (format existing unused space, add a new drive)
mount the new space (/tmpmnt or something)
Boot to single user, insure your postgresql database is not active.
Copy /usr/local to /tmpmnt
Modify /etc/fstab to mount /usr/local on /tmpmnt
Once you verify this all works, you will need to reboot to single user,
unmount your new /usr/local so you can remove the old stuff that was in
the old /usr/local partition/directory in order to recover that space.
Others may shoot this down because of issues with Postgresql I'm not
aware of, but I do this all the time to move stuff around or create new
Until later, Geoffrey