I currently own a copy of "PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook" by Geshwinde
and Schonig, 2002. Would this still be good enough to start making
databases in the current version of PostgreSQL? I noticed it talks about
Redhat 7.1. I have Windows XP Pro, Windows 98SE and a copy of Fedora
Core 3 (as well as Knoppix 3.4 and a copy of Xandros Desktop OS Version
2 Value Pack that I won as a door prize at my local Linux Users Group).
I'm trying to start up a web development business using JSP 2 and maybe
moving onto desktop apps in Java later on. I'm thinking of developing in
Windows but if Linux proves more stable I'd be tempted to develop in
that. I'm currently trying out Netbeans 4.0 though I was using Eclipse
3.0 until recently.
I've had some small experience with mysql but I've read that PostgreSQL
doesn't buckle under high loads and that it supports referential integrity.
Peter Mount