Gaetano Mendola wrote:
> Steven Rosenstein wrote:
>> DELETE FROM detail JOIN summary ON ( WHERE
>> collect_date='2005-02-05';
You have to tell it what table you are deleting from. Select * from A
join B is both tables. What you want to do is fix the where clause.
> DELETE FROM detail WHERE detail.sum_id in ( select id from summary )
> AND collect_date='2005-02-05';
I'm guessing this should actually be
DELETE FROM detail WHERE detail.sum_id in ( SELECT id FROM summary WHERE
collect_date='2005-02-05' );
Otherwise you wouldn't really need the join.
You have to come up with a plan that yields rows that are in the table
you want to delete. The rows that result from
select * from detail join summary, contain values from both tables.
If you want to delete from both tables, I think this has to be 2
deletes. Probably best to be in a transaction.
DELETE FROM summary WHERE collect_date = '2005-02-05';
> Regards
> Gaetano Mendola