Hi ,
I am using pg 7.4.5 on RedHat AS 3.0.
I am using it via jdbc and jboss.
I have found big problem about the way pg supports primary keys.
The bug was reported from my customers ( we are installed pg with our
ERP on ~ 500 costomers) and I do not know hot it is happen.
sklad21=# \d a_constants_str Table "public.a_constants_str" Column | Type | Modifiers
------------+-----------------------+-----------constname | character varying(30) | not nullfid | integer
| not nullconstvalue | character varying(30) |
Indexes: "a_constants_str_pkey" primary key, btree (constname, fid)
sklad21=# select * from a_constants_str ;constname | fid | constvalue
-----------+-----+-------------AACCGRID | 0 | SOF_3AKLTYPID | 0 | SOF_3ADARID | 0 | SOF_2AOBLASTID | 0 |
SOF_6AUSERID | 0 | SOF_17ANMGRID | 0 | SOF_21LOCAID | 0 | SOF_41DOCID | 0 | SOF_1585254DOCPLAID |
0| SOF_1052900AKLIID | 0 | SOF_18740DOCRID | 0 | SOF_2268142DOCPOGPLA | 0 | SOF_324586DOCID | 0 |
SOF_1585254DOCID | 0 | SOF_1585254DOCID | 0 | SOF_1585254AKLGRID | 0 | SOF_45DOCID | 0 |
SOF_1585254DOCID | 0 | SOF_1585254ASETUPID | 0 | SOF_4605DOCID | 0 | SOF_1585254DOCID | 0 |
SOF_1585254TDOCID | 0 | SOF_337TDOCRID | 0 | SOF_19450DOCID | 0 | SOF_1585254DOCID | 0 |
SOF_1585254AGRADID | 0 | SOF_256DOCID | 0 | SOF_1585254ASLUID | 0 | SOF_46NASTRF | 0 | SOF_88ANOMID
| 0 | SOF_1200
(30 rows)
Pls., see the records with 'DOCID' and note we have primary key defined.
At this moment we will create a new db and dump and reload the data.
The old one will stay and if needet we will be able to study the files
(the access to this customer is not very simple, but possible).