Hi Fabricio,
fbbsantos wrote:
> What details do you need?
I need to know enough that if I sat down at your computer I could find
the problem.
For example, what language or application are you using?
Are you using a DSN, or a DSN-less connection?
What connection string have you used in your application?
What kind of error messages are you getting?
Perhaps a code sample?
>I have a PostgreSQL version 7.3.2 installed in a Mandrake 9.0.
>On the WindowsXP machine, I installed the driver psqlodbc-07_03_0200.
>But I don´t know how to make an application in XP see the database.
>How can I configure the connection to do so?
>Thanks a lot.
>Em (12:21:40), Eric E escreveu:
>>Hi Fabricio,
>>To provide any detailed help, folks will need to know more
>>specifically what the problem is. However, some things I've come across
>>+ making sure the PG server is set to accept connections from your
>>IP address. By defautl, pg_hba.conf is usually set only to allow
>>connections from the server itself.
>>+ you'll may also need to to use an IP address rather than a
>>hostname in your DSN, depending on how name resolution is set up in
>>Windows and on your network.
>>Can you give us some more details of your problems?
>>fbbsantos wrote:
>>>Could someone help me? I have a PostrgreSQL in a Linux server and I'm
>>>to connect a ODBC driver in a WindowsXP to a database I've created.
>>>I have consulted some manuals, but of no help. Someone have any tips?
>>>Tutorial, howto, self experience...
>>>Thanks a lot,
>>>Fabrício Bueno
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