>1) pgpool does the load balance and sends query to Slony-I's slave and
> master if the query is SELECT.
>2) pgpool sends query only to the master if the query is other than
>Remaining problem is that Slony-I is not a sync replication
>solution. Thus you need to prepare that the load balanced query
>results might differ among servers.
>If there's enough demand, I would do such that enhancements to pgpool.
Well I know that Replicator could also use this functionality.
Joshua D. Drake
>Tatsuo Ishii
>>>>>>>Is there any other solution than a Cluster for our problem ?
>>>>>>Bigger server, more CPUs/disks in one box. Try to partition up your
>>>>>>data some way such that it can be spread across multiple machines, then
>>>>>>if you need to combine the data have it be replicated using slony to a
>>>>>>big box that has a view which joins all the tables and do your big
>>>>>>queries against that.
>>>>>But I'll arrive to limitation of a box size quickly I thing a 4
>>>>>processors with 64 Gb of RAM ... and after ?
>>IBM Z-series, or other big iron.
>>>>Go to non-x86 hardware after if you're going to continue to increase the
>>>>size of the server. Personally I think your better bet might be to
>>>>figure out a way to partition up your data (isn't that what google
>>>>does anyway?).
>>>> Stephen
>>Darcy Buskermolen
>>Wavefire Technologies Corp.
>>ph: 250.717.0200
>>fx: 250.763.1759
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