I'm trying to insert values into a table with a perl script. I know the
script works with another database but it doesn't work with eandreibase,
can anyone tell me why?
I don't get any error messages and the insert commands work manually so
I think it must be a permissions thing.
The database was created by a perl script being run by ann and it is
owned by ann.
psql -l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding
eandreibase | ann | SQL_ASCII
I (ann) created the table for the inserted data myself (domain table) an
when I checked the access privileges this table had none.
eandreibase=# \z
Access privileges for database "eandreibase"
Schema | Table | Access privileges
public | blast | {=,ann=arwdRxt,webuser=r}
public | blast_go | {=,ann=arwdRxt,webuser=r}
public | domain |
public | p4e_hsp | {=,ann=arwdRxt,webuser=r}
public | physprop | {=,ann=arwdRxt,webuser=r}
(14 rows)
'grant all on domain to ann' has changed the access privileges but
still the perl script, run by ann, doesn't insert any values.
eandreibase=# \z domain
Access privileges for database "eandreibase"
Schema | Table | Access privileges
public | domain | {=,ann=arwdRxt}
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