I've just spent a half hour or so trying to figure out why a call to
ECPGstatus() was complaining about the wrong number of arguments. The
documentation states:
ECPGstatus() returns true if you are connected to a database and false
if not.
However, digging through the archives, I found the following from Jan 7,
> ECPGstatus() seems to have changed to ECPGstatus (int, const char);> What exactly am I supposed to pass to this
The first argument is the line-number (i.e. __LINE__). The second is the
connection name. If you do not have different connections you can use
NULL as connection name or just use "CURRENT".
So, could either the documentation be updated to reflect the correct
parameters to ECPGstatus() or perhaps
src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/preproc.y can be patched to Do The Right
Thing? If I had any experience with bison/yacc/lex/flex/whatever, I'd
take a look at it, but as I don't ... :-(
Edmund Bacon <ebacon@onesystem.com>