Vitaly Belman wrote:
>>From simple to complex:
> 1) Smart tabs: It is a standard in most editing programs. If user TABs
> and then presses enter, the cursor should keep the tab position.
Do you know a scintilla style for that? Implementing that ourselves
would probably lead to a disaster, because we'd interfere with
scintilla's own enter handling.
> 2) Upper case for keywords: How about UPPERCASING the keywords of SQL/plpgsql?
Nope. We won't change the user's input. Different users like it
different, esp. pgsql users are traditionally lowercase friendly. We're
doing syntax highlighting for that.
> 3) A bit complex but sure would come handy. I wish there an option to
> quickly format SQLs from inside the pgAdmin. It isn't too complicated
> to do, but would save me a lot of time.
Ahem no, not really complicated. Just needs a parser...