>>I would love to get my hands on any numbers that someone might have.
>>Also does anyone know how long it will take for a stable release of
>>8.0 to come (any estimates would be good) ?
>The last target date I saw mentioned was 2004-12-15. If a second release
>candidate is needed, I don't know if that date will be met.
It should also be noted that putting any .0 release into
production right away is typically a bad idea. This is not
a reflection on PostgreSQL but a reflection on software in general.
IMHO 8.0 means, hey all you external developers -- time to test
with your applications and report bugs.
8.1 means, alright we got some wide reports -- fixed a few mistakes
and now were ready.
Joshua D. Drake
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
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