Robert Treat wrote:
>>That's a nice way to convince people: "either you take our design as is or
>>you don't get any content updates".
> Not at all. We have already recieved some content updates from Omar, and we
> have all of Omar's current code from his SVN repository. If someone wants to
> take his content changes and fit them in to the current design, we can do
> that.
Yes, and given the history of web team's enthusiasm for such tasks I'd guess
that no one will ever do that.
So we have a de-facto design which was not "accepted" by the vote.
> I don't, since I know there are issues with the current design
> regarding sub-navigation that I don't want to deal with (and apparently no
> one else does either) given that those issues go away with Omar's design.
OK, where are these issues documented? We have an issue tracker @ gborg:
and we have a todo page on dev. version of site:
>>Another question is: should I move to Australia before I'll be able to
>>continue participating in new website development?
> I'm not sure I understand the above, but FWIW I've always wanted to move to
> Australia if people are putting relocation packages together ;-)
I meant that some effort was put into making the website development more open
to the public. But right now we are having a closed development process again,
only that was closed by a different group of people. Where is the discussion
going? What is the current todo list?