I am running the same test again to access the information you've
pointed me to.
I will let you know if I found anything relevant in the next hours.
Nicolas Modrzyk,
Kris Jurka wrote:
>On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Nicolas Modrzyk wrote:
>>This is an overnight test, and this has been reported by one of our
>>users as well. (on the same test, multiple times ...)
>>Basically, this thread has been like this for at least 4-5 hours, so I
>>don't think anything is going to unblock this anymore.
>>All the other thread of the test are in a normal wait position, and the
>>system is not using any resource anymore, so it should not be blocked by
>>other operation.
>>Most of the other requests are actually taking less than 10ms to execute.
>You'll need to investigate what's going on in the server. So at the test
>end all the other threads are done and idle. Do they disconnect? What do
>you see regarding active backends from ps or pg_stat_activity? What locks
>does this process have or wait on in pg_locks.
>Kris Jurka