This seems like quite a bit of work, my understanding was that we were
shooting for releasing with the server ?
Kris Jurka wrote:
>On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Dave Cramer wrote:
>>As the server is nearing release, we should consider releasing a beta
>>version of the driver.
>>I think a feature freeze first, and since only Kris, and Oliver are
>>adding things, this could be relatively short.
>In addition to the 8.0 list
>I also have the setNull(i, Types.OTHER) and custom datatypes without
>explicitly using addDataType on my list of 8.0 things. Documentation is
>also an always needed thing.
>>Then tag a stable version and attempt to release it at the same time or
>>shortly after the server ?
>That's the idea.
>Kris Jurka
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Dave Cramer
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