Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>>Definitely. Just like Mitch was in his mail.
> It's surprising to me, as an outsider to the web-developing camp, to see
> that the guy in charge of Postgres' www has the same attitude towards
> the rest of the people that the previous web developer had (Vince V.) He
> acts like other people is constantly attacking him and trying to take
> something out of his control, which is obviously not true (which I, as a
> side observer, can tell).
There is of course no attacking and taking anything out of my control (what
control?) but just a problem of lack of communication. I hit the same problem
myself when I got involved in all this website stuff.
More on this later in a separate email and please excuse me for making you (I
mean all of you) once again read my sarcastic comments.