> When using pg_dump + psql:
> I get a similar error. In one table that has about 5.4 million rows,
> the dump has several incomplete rows in the large block of copy data.
> It seems to attempt to fill the copy with data from the *next* line.
> ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "4"
> CONTEXT: COPY foo_data, line 169371, column mod_date: "4"
> going to 169371 lines after the start of the copy, indeed there is a
> short
> row (by two), and two fields in on the *next* line is indeed a "4"
> Both seem to have the same problem - incomplete COPY row data. any ideas?
Well you aren't going to like this but I see two solutions:
1. Cut out the rows listed and reimport after the copy completes.
2. Perform the pg_dump as inserts which will make the restore very slow
but should complete correctly.
Is the dump and restore happening on the same platform?
Joshua D. Drake
> [ \ /
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> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
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