Greg Stark wrote:
> "Joshua D. Drake" <> writes:
>>However, it is also true that by having the ability to give say a tier2 the
>>ability to edit the postgresql.conf withough the ability to log in as postgres
>>or root, then that user can not stop/start the database, or have root access.
>>They can however, allow another IP, user, network access.
> What about in my case where it's not that I don't have permission to log in as
> postgres it's just that I consider it a pain. It means I can't open files in
> my own editor and other tools easily, I have to start up a separate login and
> use separate tools.
This sounds much as if accessing the file via SQL would be appropriate,
i.e. the generic file functions that I've been discussing a while ago.
They exist in a module, and will be used by the postgresql.conf
implemented in pgAdmin3 within the next few weeks (as soon we're out of
feature freeze).